Ethical moves, vibes and tribes
I’ve always referred to Goodness Marketing as an “ethical” business. I started Goodness Marketing because I wanted to use my skills and knowledge to bring about good things in the world: good, ethical, honest marketing that contributes to a better world.
But what does it mean to be ethical?
For me, it means acting with integrity when dealing with clients, suppliers, people I coach and the wider world. It means being honest when giving advice and pricing my services. It means supporting local businesses and independents wherever possible. Being gentle with the environment.
I’m definitely not perfect and continue to learn every day, but this works for me. It feels authentic and in line with the kind of business I want to run, life I want to lead and world I want to live in.
When I first started Goodness Marketing and explained the idea of “marketing for goodness’ sake” to a few people, I felt lonely. Coming from a background of B2B marketing in a digital agency, this do-gooder approach to marketing felt unusual - I was definitely the odd one out.
But I persisted, because I believe in it so much. And I’m so glad I did.
Your vibe attracts your tribe
Over time, I’ve started coming across the most amazing individuals and businesses. Turns out the world is actually full of people like me! All I had to do was live authentically and say to the world: “This is me.”
Last week, I co-hosted a meetup for freelancers, creatives and independent business owners in the Stockport area with Katya Willems. I have been aware of Katya and her work as an Instagram coach for a while, and when I had a coaching call with her a little while ago we really hit it off. We got chatting about the local community and decided to put on a casual networking event for people like us, right here in my hometown of Marple. We made it happen and over 30 people turned up for a couple of hours of chat and making connections in the friendliest, chilled and un-cringey atmosphere imaginable.
Our first #SKCreative meetup at Chaat Cart in Manchester. Image: Katya WIllems
Everyone liked it so much, we’ve already booked the next one, again at the marvellous Chaat Cart. Tickets to the next meetup went in less than 48 hours, so there is now a waiting list if you fancied coming along. Just drop me a line.
Speaking to everyone from designers and artists to makers and web developers on Tuesday was life-affirming for me (or at least career-affirming). It is good to know I’m not alone in doing things differently, no matter what society tells us about how businesses should be run or careers should be conducted.
Ethical move
I’ve found Instagram another source of the most rewarding relationships. It’s amazing what you can learn about people and businesses, especially via Stories.
One such business that came on my radar a while ago is Creative Wilderness, run by the wonderful Charlotte. We got chatting on Instagram about everything from yoga and matcha lattes to marketing, branding and ethical businesses. It was Charlotte who brought the ethical move to my attention.
The ethical move is all about creating a new standard for marketing based on trust and honesty, in order to break the cycle of consumerism and empowering conscious consumers. In order to become part of this movement, businesses commit to a series of ethical moves. The first pledge looks at pricing: avoiding so-called charm pricing and using round numbers instead. Once you take the pledge, the organisers look at your website and pricing and then decide whether or not to award you the ethical move badge to use on your website.
I took the pledge and I’m very happy to say that I was awarded the badge, which I now proudly display on the homepage of my site. It is good to have some sort of external validation for something that is so important in how I conduct my business.
I would definitely encourage other businesses to look into the ethical move and support this cause. It is only through action - big and small - that we will be able to bring about the change we want to see in the world.